Shelly has been drawing and painting since the age of 12. Shelly was born with mild cerebral palsy affecting her right side, and she attended physical therapy for many years and faced significant challenges participating in physical activities. Her family moved to central Saskatchewan when she was 13. Her parents recognized her interest in art and bought her a beginner’s acrylic paint set , igniting a lifelong passion for painting. Shelly experimented with acrylic, eventually transitioning to using oil paint. Shelly joined an artist group of older women in the basement of the library when she was 15 and it was there that she was introduced to being a member of an artist community. These women, all of which were at least 50 years older than Shelly and enthusiastically welcomed her and nurtured her fledgling art practice. Shelly credits their encouragement as a significant factor supporting her to continue her art practice at a young age. Shelly became a Registered Nurse (an interesting journey requiring accommodation of her disability!), started her family and put her brushes away. As often happens with artists, the brushes kept calling to Shelly and returned to her art in the early 2000’s. She started working with the watercolour medium and was immediately entranced with its stunning soft fluid and transparency effects. Although Shelly loved working with watercolour, she wasn’t willing to give up the joy of painting with acrylics. Shelly and her husband Roland started a reclaimed wood hobby business in 2016 and this is when Shelly started using acrylic paint to create whimsical ,fun animal art on reclaimed wood. Shelly continues to paint fine art in watercolour and fun, whimsical art in acrylic. When asked why she doesn’t focus on one medium, she explains both mediums offer the greatest opportunity for her to create diverse work that appeals to more people. Shelly’s whimsical art has a large following and the pieces and art print cards sell briskly. She is currently dedicating more time and effort creating work with watercolour and has recently begun formally showing her work for sale to larger audiences. For the first time in her life, she has a dedicated art studio in her home and is most at peace creating in this scared space. Shelly is a proud member of the Métis Nation of Alberta (she lives, works and recreates in the Battle River Territory) and is deeply grateful for her Indigenous ancestry. She grew up spending time in the bush, picking berries, fishing, learning about wildlife, and camping in remote locations where she developed an appreciation and understanding for nature, spiritual connections and being a steward of the land. Shelly finds inspiration in the natural beauty of the southern Alberta foothills, mountain ranges, natural bush, prairies, and northern lakes. Wildlife and birds holds special meaning in her creative work and she spends hours watching the animals and birds around her. Shelly’s connection to nature and love for animals are vividly reflected in her art and you can find her communing with trees, listening to the wind and mesmerized by the creatures along her path. She strives to capture glimpses of the natural world and incorporate spiritual elements that tell a story. Shelly often portrays beloved memories of her childhood, and she is touched when her art resonates with others, evoking similar memories for them. Shelly lives on an acreage in the foothills near Calgary, Alberta, Canada with her husband where she spends as much time as possible exploring nature, enjoying her grandchildren and working on her art. She is a strong supporter of all types of art and artists and believes the stories told through art can change our perspectives, strengthen our connections and feed our souls.

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